
Blog #14: Life: The Book & Humanities

1...The stage of life i will write about is the Beyond, to incorporate genetic engineering into this i will be talking about the creation of the first synthetic cell. We have already advanced so much in life technology wise( computers, phones, robots), that to evolve as humans by creating synthetic cells blows my mind.

2...I couldn't find any government 'agencies' throughout my research, however President Barrack Obama himself got very intrigued by the cresting of the first synthetic cell. The current news is that Obama has appointed his new team, the "Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues" to "examine the possible benefits and risks of the new development", this is his first order of business. The article i will put it does take a christian point of view from the end which i personally think is a load of crap, however the begining is very helpful and worth reading. (http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?id=32990)

3...The main culture concept in the creation of the first synthetic cell is whether is it 'right' or 'wrong'. It is the same exact thing that "arose with the advent of cloning, stem-cell technology and genetic engineering." (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703559004575256470152341984.html). Another big scare that I don't believe in personally is that if bad things can come out of this. Some people believe that this expirement "could result in the production of hazardous life forms or biological weapons." (http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?id=32990). There is also a large economical debate because the process cost $40 millon and everybody wants to try it now, however that is just not possible.

4a...The stage of life i will write about would be Birth, the genetic technology within that interests me would be cord blood banking. I think that cord blood banking is a very controversial topic concerning money, storage, use, and ethics.

4b...The government has a lot to do with chord blood banking, mainly with the House and Senate still in the works to approve the Cord Blood Stem Cell Act of 2005. An act that would make a "National Cord Blood Stem Cell Bank Network to prepare, store, and distribute human umbilical cord blood stem cells for them treatment of patients and to support peer-reviewed research using such cells." (http://pediatrics.about.com/od/agesandstages/i/cord_blood_bank_2.htm)

4c...The big issue with Cord Blood Banking is the economical issue. It costs a lot of money to do with a private banking company and no large public banks have been established that aren't donation banks. It is also a very simple procedure that could be a lot cheaper and more normal if more people did it, but people aren't being asked to do it a lot. In fact, the AAP stated that "private storage of Cord Blood as biological insurance should be discouraged." (http://pediatrics.about.com/od/agesandstages/i/cord_blood_bank_2.htm). However a lot of the Pros of Cord Blood Banking are curing many diseases including "include certain kinds of leukemia orlymphoma, aplastic anemia, severe sickle cell anemia, and severe combined immune deficiency." (http://kidshealth.org/parent/_cancer_center/treatment/cord_blood.html#)

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