
Blog #15: Life: The Book & American History

1...Describe how Americans pay for health care and the government's role in this process:
Well to start, with our economic recession lately, 17.4% of Americans have been delaying or putting off health care payments. On top of that over 46 million Americans do not have health insurance, so not that many people are paying for health care because they can't, or just don't have it. However the people that do have health care in the USA are paying for it out of their own pockets. Whether they have health care through work, or purchased it by themselves, they are paying for it. Contrary to popular belief, even when health care is bought through work, it still costs the individual a lot of money, its just a little cheaper because it is bought as a group. However, in that case the individual has no choice on what health care provider they would like. So really there are 3 choices when it comes to having health care in the USA, Pay a lot and have choice of your health care plan, pay a little less and have no choice of health care plan, or don't have it(and don't get hurt).

1...Using the New Yorker articles we've read in class, this is what i think makes a compelling character:
-Has to have a good background
-Have to be relatable to the reader
-Constantly be doing something new
-Needs to have goals

2...Using the science stories we read in class as an example, this is what i believe makes an interesting plot:
-Having multiple characters with different perspectives
-Having challenges to overcome
-Having solutions to the challenges
-Having the plot connect to the reader and their lives

- Authors use parenthesis to explain more jargon-like words
- They have to give up some of the science so that the reader can grasp a better understanding of what they do include
-Act as a "filter" with the jargon
-Authors know what they are talking about well enough to explain it in a simple matter

-The Authors write while thinking of their audience
-They write semi-broad things in their writing so that at least one subject in their writing can stick and relate to somebody
-They include heart-wrenching parts that you have to feel bad for, engaging you deeper


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